Production Update #1

 As of February 19th, I have completed the production portion of the film making process and have begun post-production. All filming was completed February 6th, but my group accounted for possible reshoots on February 25th. We decided to schedule possible reshoots to be during the beginning stages of post-production, so I can catch any missing shots or amendments that need to be made. And upon previewing our takes I have realized we are missing a first person shot of the hallway. We decided that the scene was deemed unnecessary therefore while we won't be reshooting this screen, we will be reshooting others.  Such as the 180-degree car seen, we later realized that you could see me the camera man in the glare of the window. When we filmed, we captured 140 videos, most of which were taken that will not be used in the final cut. Me and Adrianna Molina have spent time sorting through the videos to find the shots we want to use. We also captured some sound that had to be edited out because it changes the intended mise en scene. On February 19th a rough cut of the whole film was made. Now was need to so some more sound editing to add off scene sounds, and just clean up the ruff edits through match coloring and other techniques. 
