Production Update #2
After The Wake This is the most current version of the rough draft we have for our film. First, I would like to address the concern that at the 180-degree turn of the car you can see me in the window so we will have to reshoot that scene. Next, we are going to ensure the color for all the outdoor scenes have a sunset vibe, so it better matches up with the time frame. Hopefully I can make the transition from looking at character A outside then to looking at her silhouette smoother . Also, I want to try to re film the empaths on the hallway and outside door scene and turn them into a dolly zoom. The thing I am most worried about is that we have yet to figure out how we will execute the green screen issue and it is a big factor for the ending of the film. We still need to add in more opening credits to make sure credits are given where they are deserved. Some of the shots could be stabilized to make the film seem more professional. The sound seems good we have both of...